Part 1: The first advertisement sends the typical message to women: “use this product and you will be skinny and have a man.” We all know that this is not true especially with a high sugared product such as Pepsi. Pepsi, if not used in moderation for most people, causes weight gain and a serve out break of acne. I’m
not saying it’s a bad thing because our bodies are made the way they are supposed to be but the image contradicts itself. Also, the advertisement says that by drinking Pepsi the consumer will be “up to date and smart.” I have had a lot of soft drinks in my day, but none have made me any smarter or given any more knowledge of current events. Maybe if the cans came with articles out of the Wall Street Journal I could see where it could be true, but until then it is just false advertisement.
The only reason I even saw the second article was due to how little the model’s waist was. It did not make me want to buy her jeans, but instead give her a hotdog. This type of advertisement is the reason so many women and girls are developing eating disorders. There is no way in the world anybody could be that skinny and still be healthy. This picture gives off the impression of “Hey. Want to wear these cool clothes? Then you need to be as little as me.” I hate to break to Ralph Lauren, but if that is the only size they are selling, then they are about to lose a whole lot of business.
Advertisements like these paint such an unrealistic picture. The reason it is so hard to make it in the modeling world is because there are so few people that are actually like this. If advertisers put “real” women into their ads, I think it would help woman discover that they are beautiful just the way they are.
Part 2: This ad was put out by

Seventeen magazine and I think they should be applauded for their efforts. They are showing that most people in there magazine are not real, and for young women to stop trying to be like them. What I do not understand is why put the models into the magazine? Instead of putting one ad in about how none of these women are real, why don’t they put a real woman in every ad? Either way, it is a small step into helping show women what true beauty really is and a small step is better than a step backwards.
I really like part two of this blog because it is so true. Why does every magazine create this fake world? The people in the magazines are all photoshopped and made to be this gorgeous and PERFECT looking person. I also want to touch on the Ralph Lauren ad in the first part. I remember hearing about this girl and how upset she was about this ad. She and everyone else knew they destroyed her true beauty and created this awful figure. Our world today cannot continue to put these lies into peoples heads. No one is perfect, and being super skinny and flawless may not be the life to live.
ReplyDeleteI like how you stated in the 2nd part that the picture is "a small step into helping show women what true beauty really is and a small step is better than a step backwards". I enjoy that comment because it's very true. I see nothing wrong with magazines using real women as models in an ads. No one will ever be perfect so why must we keep searching for perfection? Embrace what you have and be happy.