Friday, February 4, 2011


PART 1: The first ad I chose was the tailored suit ad, which was supposed to show the audience why they should buy a tailored suit. However, how they portrayed the ad was saying that men would get gorgeous girls falling all over them. The explicit message in this ad was that they picked a beautiful woman who had a low cut shirt on that would attract guy’s eyes while flipping through the magazine. The inexplicit message in this advertisement is not only that a man can get a woman while wearing a tailored suit, but a women’s vulnerability for a man. This ad reinforces the beauty myth that every girl should be thin and light skinned; this model obviously was both of these things. In this ad the male looks like he is the dominant figure just by comparing the two models outfits. The male looks like he is going to work, while she looks like she is just hanging around all day.

The second advertisement that I thought was appropriate for this blog was the one for post its. The ad shows a girl and a man the next morning after sleeping together the night before. The explicit message in this ad is that the man obviously sleeps with some many women that he had to write her name on a post it so he could remember the next morning. The inexplicit message in this ad shows how “easy” a woman can be, she doesn’t care that she is sleeping with a man who can’t remember her name. The beauty myth this ad reinforces again is the thought that women need to be thin with blonde hair. The male dominance is shown in this ad because it is assumed that the woman is the vulnerable one in the ad.

PART 2: After going through many Google pages, I finally found an advertisement that went against all the beauty myths. This Dove ad shows a older women who I proud to show off her body, even if it isn’t a perfect model size. Even though he is not clothed the purpose of the ad is to show women not to be insecure of their body. The message on the billboard “Does Beauty have an Age Limit?” it lets the public know beauty isn’t only defined by how young you look. If I was to make my own ad I would put a typical Latino mother, she would show the world that she can do whatever she wants no matter of her gender or size.


  1. I really like the first image you found, the post it ad. This not only sends out the message that women are recyable to men, but is also demonstrating the double standard among men and women. Men can sleep with as many girls as possible and it's an accomplishment or joke. Women, however, are considered "sluts" when they sleep with multiple men.

  2. I agree with Brittnie. The more girls a guy sleeps with, the more high fives he gets from his friends later, but the more guys a girl sleeps with, the trashier she is considered and the less "martiable" she is said to be by guys. The picture of a girl with a post it on her forehead is labeling her as last nights girl and sending out the message that if her name wasnt on the post it labeling her, he probably wouldnt even remember her name.

  3. I think Dove always have the most well thought out and beautiful ads, and are just so empowering to women. The words "does beauty have an age limit?" is so true..does it? No it does not and thats what our world does not understand. Everyone is beautiful in their own way and should not be judged by their size or age. Someone could be so beautiful and be the most miserable person in the world. America is so self conscious about being the "perfect" everything they forget about personality and other things that create a great person and a great life.
    -so true

  4. The post-it note ad is really inappropriate--they should also think about their audience.. post-its are used for students to remind them of a test, or a mother to write down a grocery list, or a boss to remind him of a meeting; not for a male to remember his mistress's name. They thought this would be humorous, but it's actually just offensive toward the female gender.
    I love the Dove ad though! I always like seeing them on tv or in a magazine. I agree--it really is an ad with a good message trying to let our society know that anyone can be pretty and don't have to be young, thin, blonde, or the typical characteristics that is considered "perfect."

  5. I think all of the ad's you got were great for this lesson, but agreeing with everyone else, the post it ad is awful, but so true. Guys can pick and choose a different girl every night of the week, and it won't matter. Girls on the other hand, are just "last night's hookup". For a company to use an ad like this, guys may find it funny, but as a woman, i find this insulting to all women and degrading.

  6. After looking at these ads it disgust me how society views women. It is upsetting to see how women are taking steps backwards instead of forward. I can't believe that these ads actually get published across the country. The Post it ad is so degrading because of the word "easy." It's not right and should never be able to be published. I think that women need to take a stand and stop this type of advertisement.
