Sunday, May 29, 2011
Week 4 women in Ads
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Learning Module 10 LIVE LEARNING MODULE due 4/18 by NOON

FRIDAY 4/15 1:00 pm – Screening of PBS’s In The Life episode featuring KIN4LIFE, followed by Q&A with Nor & IQ of KIN4LIFE – ten Hoor 125
SUNDAY 4/17 Noon-6pm – Attend one of the workshops at Alabama Art Kitchen – 2626 University Blvd
Noon – Ladyfest Zine Workshop – Learn about the history and importance of zines and help make a zine for Ladyfest Deep South 2011.
3:30PM – Vagina Monologue Workshop – If you’ve ever heard of the Vagina Monologues, then this is the arts and crafts version of that. Come create your own!
4:30PM – Herbs Health for Women – This class is a very broad, general, and beginner friendly exploration of plant-based medicines for women. Local, Abby Hall Luca, will cover several herbs and herbal formulas/ preparations for young through post-menopausal women. No knowledge of herbs required!
For more info please visit the following social networking sites for Ladyfest Deep South 2011.
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Learning Module 9
Due Sat. 4/9 by noon
What would you do to end sexual violence at the University of Alabama?

Preventing sexual assault: Tips guaranteed to work! September 22, 2009
1. Don’t put drugs in people’s drinks in order to control their behavior.
2. When you see someone walking by themselves, leave them alone!
3. If you pull over to help someone with car problems, remember not to assault them!
4. NEVER open an unlocked door or window uninvited.
5. If you are in an elevator and someone else gets in, DON’T ASSAULT THEM!
6. Remember, people go to laundry to do their laundry, do not attempt to molest someone who is alone in a laundry room.
7. USE THE BUDDY SYSTEM! If you are not able to stop yourself from assaulting people, ask a friend to stay with you while you are in public.
8. Always be honest with people! Don’t pretend to be a caring friend in order to gain the trust of someone you want to assault. Consider telling them you plan to assault them. If you don’t communicate your intentions, the other person may take that as a sign that you do not plan to rape them.
9. Don’t forget: you can’t have sex with someone unless they are awake!
10. Carry a whistle! If you are worried you might assault someone “on accident” you can hand it to the person you are with, so they can blow it if you do.
Thanks to Feminist Law Professors!
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Learning Module 8
Look up some of the videos discussed in this week’s readings. In two paragraphs, discuss what it means to "flip the scripts" of hetero-masculine sexual dominance? How does this also relate to re-appropriation and counter-appropriation? Who has the power to set the patterns for dominant forms of representation in the music industry and Why? (use “intersectionality” in your analysis)
Next find a couple of videos that demonstrate what you would consider to be empowering to the women (and men) involved in them (as well as those viewing them), especially in relation to what you observed and learned from the film Dreamworlds 3). Provide the name of the videos and in 2 paragraphs explain how female artists are using their messages, language, bodies, etc. toward greater gender empowerment?
Thursday, March 24, 2011

In 2-3 paragraphs, please reflect upon the following article and place it in conversation with this week’s readings on globalization and women’s labor. What is the importance of labor unions here and abroad? Why are they particularly important for women laborers? How do union concerns here in the United States relate to union concerns in the “developing world”? (hint: consider free trade agreements). Can you imagine unions being a point of transnational solidarity for workers? Why?
Friday, March 11, 2011
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Blog 7

Please Note: If you do not identify as straight, feel free to adjust this prompt in a way you see fit. Either examine and explain how you would feel as a part of the dominant privileged group, what you think would be different, or explain how things are for you now not fitting into the dominant category. If you identify as bi or fluid in some way, feel free to discuss this as not having a category and how in either situation bisexuality/fluid sexuality gets left out.
Monday, February 28, 2011
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Learning Module 6
Due Saturday (2/26) by noon
After reading the essay, “And So I Choose,” by Allison Crews place her discussion of “rights” in conversation with the article you read for class this week, “Beyond Pro-Choice vs. Pro-Life?” First (2 paragraphs), in your own words, please describe why each of these terms are in fact problematic or limiting to our larger discussion of reproductive rights. Why were each limiting in Crew’s reflection? What does a “reproductive justice” paradigm offer instead? Second (1-2 paragraphs) reflect on the recent arguments surrounding legislation addressed to congress (see links below). What do you think is at stake in politicizing women’s bodies and reproduction? What would a reproductive justice argument look like in response to this legislation?
Learning Module 5 (Redo)
LEARNING MODULE FIVE (REDO)Due Wednesday 3/2 no later than Noon
Imagine you are participating in a conversation with the Combahee River Collective and, in a consciousness-raising group, you read the following article. Using the Combahee River Collective Statement and what you have learned in the past weeks, discuss a black feminist perspective to this issue (In 2-3 paragraphs). How would the Collective approach the issue, especially with regard to privilege, interlocking oppressions, “the personal is political”, and a critique of the limitations of dominant feminist and anti-racist approaches to hierarchies of inequality. What new perspectives might they offer? Be creative…imagine you are sitting at the table with them!
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Learning Module 5
(due Saturday by noon)
Imagine bell hooks joins the Combahee River Collective and in a consciousness-raising group reads her article “Straightening Our Hair”, and shows the film clip “A Girl Like Me”. Based upon your readings for this week, discuss a black feminist perspective to this topic. How would the Collective approach the issue, especially with regard to privilege, interlocking oppressions, “the personal is political”, and a critique of the limitations of dominant feminist and anti-racist approaches to hierarchies of inequality. What new perspectives might they offer? Be creative…imagine you are sitting at the table with them!
Wednesday, February 9, 2011

1) Choose three examples from either the White Privilege Checklist, the Male Privilege Checklist, and the Black Male Privilege Checklist, or the Heterosexual Checklist (Katz) that made you think about your own privilege in a new way and tell us why (1 paragraph)
2) Now make your own checklist (5 items) and explain why these are privileges using the week’s readings and lecture. Explain key facets of the systems of oppression (gender, racial, heterosexist) that exist to reinforce these privileges in your life (2 paragraphs).
3) Go to your section’s wallwisher link for “Gender Microaggressions” (on E-learning). Post an example of a gender microaggression. Then post the message that this microaggression sends (this is a required posting and will count toward full credit for this learning module!)
"The dominant group is damaged even as it receives huge benefits. You pay for the privilege and the cost is enormous.”~Tim Wise
Sunday, February 6, 2011

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Part 1: The first advertisement sends the typical message to women: “use this product and you will be skinny and have a man.” We all know that this is not true especially with a high sugared product such as Pepsi. Pepsi, if not used in moderation for most people, causes weight gain and a serve out break of acne. I’m
not saying it’s a bad thing because our bodies are made the way they are supposed to be but the image contradicts itself. Also, the advertisement says that by drinking Pepsi the consumer will be “up to date and smart.” I have had a lot of soft drinks in my day, but none have made me any smarter or given any more knowledge of current events. Maybe if the cans came with articles out of the Wall Street Journal I could see where it could be true, but until then it is just false advertisement.
The only reason I even saw the second article was due to how little the model’s waist was. It did not make me want to buy her jeans, but instead give her a hotdog. This type of advertisement is the reason so many women and girls are developing eating disorders. There is no way in the world anybody could be that skinny and still be healthy. This picture gives off the impression of “Hey. Want to wear these cool clothes? Then you need to be as little as me.” I hate to break to Ralph Lauren, but if that is the only size they are selling, then they are about to lose a whole lot of business.
Advertisements like these paint such an unrealistic picture. The reason it is so hard to make it in the modeling world is because there are so few people that are actually like this. If advertisers put “real” women into their ads, I think it would help woman discover that they are beautiful just the way they are.
Part 2: This ad was put out by

Seventeen magazine and I think they should be applauded for their efforts. They are showing that most people in there magazine are not real, and for young women to stop trying to be like them. What I do not understand is why put the models into the magazine? Instead of putting one ad in about how none of these women are real, why don’t they put a real woman in every ad? Either way, it is a small step into helping show women what true beauty really is and a small step is better than a step backwards.

belvidere vodka.It is degrading to women in a couple o f ways. Its insinuating to the audience that if you have a woman drink this vodka, something such as oral sex may occur.
The second ad is showing a man spanking his wife in a add for a certain coffee. It's related to a woman having an affair, and the many spanking her and punishing her for it. It's showing a mans dominance and somewhat of domestic violence, all over a coffee brand.

In theses two images
In the first advertisement, the woman is being told that by using Coppertone Suntan products while tanning, the product will make her look younger and prettier than she did the previous day before using it. It also boasts that it will have you looking like a Native American. The explicit message in this ad is that the woman on it is already young and supposedly “beautiful” but if they continue to use their product they will continue to look that way with healthier skin and a more desiring complexion. It’s obviously directed right towards Caucasian women. The implicit message is that not only will the complexion be looking Native American, but it will give the user a darker, not as pale look as they once had before. Also, in the bottom left corner, it is a smaller image of a little girl topless getting her swimsuit tugged on by a puppy. I guess that poses the idea that now that the little girl is all grown up and topless that men will start approaching her, especially with the help of her new tan.
In the second advertisement, a woman is pictured on the front of a magazine for International Lifestyle, with a dog on top of her licking her neck, while she is lying on a bed dressed in lingerie. Obviously this image screams “SEX”. The dog is portraying a man but in a dominating way because he is on top of her and she has her head turned. Because of the setting, it looks as if they would be people of the higher class who enjoy having a good time. The image seems to be sending out the message to “Live life on the wild side”. The woman is young with hardly any aging lines at all and is seen as the perfect super model.
Both of these advertisements reinforce the beauty myths that women should look young, thin, and attractive. In the first image the woman would look more desirable, healthier, and younger if she used Coppertone Suntan products. In the second image the woman is seen as living an upscale lifestyle enabling her to do wild and crazy things only if the man is present and going along with her
In society today we are constantly being told that beauty is a lighter skin toned woman who is thin and attractive. This advertisement displays women of different races and of different sizes advertising Bravissimo’s line of bras. The women look happy, healthy, and appreciative of their bodies even though all of them have large breasts. They are proud to show off what they have grown into and are embracing the fact that they are women. If I were to create an advertisement, I think I would use older women and men who look very natural. They would be happy to have aged and proud of who they’ve become through the years.
Friday, February 4, 2011

When flipping through a magazine or newspaper, or even driving down the street, people can learn a lot about societies views on gender are. An overwhelming amount of advertisements objectify women and exhibit male dominance. Although the media and advertising industry attempt to show society how men and women should be have some aren’t affected by it. Within these three specific advertisements there are several differ degrading issues that are references to women.
Over the years, women have been so consumed into what they look like. Being “skinny” is some people’s definition of beauty. Advertising agencies generally use young, white, skinny, and attractive girls to promote a product. By them doing this it makes it seem in order for you to be beautiful you must be skinny; however, very few women are this size. Over the past few years, plastic surgery increased, and eating disorders became more of a problem. In this particular advertisement, Ralph Lauren uses a very thin model to show the message of “skinny is beautiful.” The comparison of the two photos shown is very extreme. Although some women will look at this and strive to be this size, other women will be somewhat disgusted by how extremely thin she is. Focusing on the female physical appearance is what causes the amount of women with eating disorders to increase. Nearly one-tenth of young American women and one-fifth of female American students are on some form of a diet because they are trying to mimic the “beauty” image that advertisers are presenting to society.
Men are often seemed to be more dominant over women, and some advertisements portray to people the roles that gender play in society. It is rare that a woman is the dominating figure over the male in advertisements. In this specific advertisement, the male is positioned in front of the female and she is behind him. Also, it speaks on how women are supposed to be the “household providers” (such as the cook, cleaner, etc.).

While the previous advertisements bring into effect the myths of beauty and normative gender, this specific advertisement works against them. This advertisement shows that not everyone is so consumed in the “ideal” image of beauty. Also it shows that everyone is not extremely thin. The description on the side gives the advantages of having a big butt and how proud this individual is because of it. I would include this in my own advertisement to get the attention of a different audience and to show that it is ok to have curves and be confident with your body.
PART 1: The first ad I chose was the tailored suit ad, which was supposed to show the audience why they should buy a tailored suit. However, how they portrayed the ad was saying that men would get gorgeous girls falling all over them. The explicit message in this ad was that they picked a beautiful woman who had a low cut shirt on that would attract guy’s eyes while flipping through the magazine. The inexplicit message in this advertisement is not only that a man can get a woman while wearing a tailored suit, but a women’s vulnerability for a man. This ad reinforces the beauty myth that every girl should be thin and light skinned; this model obviously was both of these things. In this ad the male looks like he is the dominant figure just by comparing the two models outfits. The male looks like he is going to work, while she looks like she is just hanging around all day.
The second advertisement that I thought was appropriate for this blog was the one for post its. The ad shows a girl and a man the next morning after sleeping together the night before. The explicit message in this ad is that the man obviously sleeps with some many women that he had to write her name on a post it so he could remember the next morning. The inexplicit message in this ad shows how “easy” a woman can be, she doesn’t care that she is sleeping with a man who can’t remember her name. The beauty myth this ad reinforces again is the thought that women need to be thin with blonde hair. The male dominance is shown in this ad because it is assumed that the woman is the vulnerable one in the ad.
PART 2: After going through many Google pages, I finally found an advertisement that went against all the beauty myths. This Dove ad shows a older women who I proud to show off her body, even if it isn’t a perfect model size. Even though he is not clothed the purpose of the ad is to show women not to be insecure of their body. The message on the billboard “Does Beauty have an Age Limit?” it lets the public know beauty isn’t only defined by how young you look. If I was to make my own ad I would put a typical Latino mother, she would show the world that she can do whatever she wants no matter of her gender or size.